Deprecation reminder for certain GitHub Apps events, keys, and routing

As part of the name change from Integrations to GitHub Apps, we previously announced breaking changes to certain webhook events, payloads, responses, and URL routing. We continued to support the original implementation with a deprecation date of November 22, 2017. As this date nears, we want to remind you to update your applications as soon as possible.

API and webhook changes

As announced in May, the following breaking changes will be made to the API and webhooks on November 22:

  • The integration_installation and integration_installation_repositories event names will be removed in favor of installation and installation_repositories.
  • The integration_id key in webhook payloads and API responses will be removed in favor of the app_id key.

Changes to URL routing

As announced in July, URLs that reference "integration" or "integrations" will be removed entirely and the temporary redirection we've been performing will cease to function on November 22.

For example, a URL of will no longer work. The correct format for that URL is


If you have questions about these upcoming deprecations, feel free to reach out on the Platform forum.