Deployment and DeploymentStatus API enhancements preview period

We've expanded our Deployments APIs to accommodate more powerful deployment practices and to lay the foundation for a more seamless integration of deployments within GitHub.

Link to a live deployment

To enable easy access to a live version of a deployment, we've added an environment_url field to the Deployments API. This environment will be exposed as a link in the Pull Request timeline to enable users to directly access a running version of their code without leaving the context of their work.

Note: To add some clarity, we've renamed the target_url field to log_url. We will continue accept target_url to support legacy uses, but we recommend modifying this to the new name to avoid confusion. Future API versions might not support target_url.

Inactive deployment status

We recognize that deployments in many common practices don't last forever. So, we've added a new inactive state to Deployment Statuses. You can use this state to communicate that a deployment is no longer active (e.g. something different has been deployed to the environment or the environment has been destroyed).

More information about environments

We've expanded our Deployments API to provide additional information about the environments associated with deployments.

We've added a new transient_environment field to allow you to communicate that an environment is specific to a deployment and will no longer exist at some point in the future (e.g. a temporary testing environment like a Heroku Review App). By pairing this with other additions, we can determine that an inactive deployment associated with a transient_environment has an environment_url that is no longer accessible.

Similarly, we've added a new production_environment field to allow you to communicate that an environment is one with which end users directly interact. We automatically set production_environment to true if the value for environment is "production".

Automatic creation of inactive statuses

Each time we receive a new successful deployment status, we automatically add a new inactive status to all previous deployments made within the relevant repository to the same environment (based on the value of environment) given the environment is both non-transient and non-production. You can opt out of this behavior by passing false with the new auto_inactive parameter.

For example, if feature-branch within is deployed to an environment named staging (which is a non-transient, non-production environment) and bugfix-branch within is later deployed to an environment named staging, we would automatically create a new inactive status for the deployment associated with feature-branch.

How can I try it?

Starting today, these API enhancements are available for developers to preview. At the end of the preview period, these enhancements will become official components of the GitHub API.

To access the API during the preview period, you must provide a custom media type in the Accept header:


During the preview period, we may change aspects of these enhancements. If we do, we will announce the changes on the developer blog, but we will not provide any advance notice.

Take a look at the documentation for full details. We would love to hear your thoughts on these enhancements. If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch with us!